Sunday, December 25, 2022


                                                            SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT


The EMS attendant in the ambulance keeps asking me questions trying to keep me alert. A feeling of weakness and nearly passing out necessitated this ride on Christmas Eve.


At the hospital, a full emergency room.  Very young children in the cubicles on either side of me.  They don’t understand what’s going on and cry.  I don’t understand either.   After a number of tests, an overnight stay connected to a heart monitor.


                                                           Christmas dawn–

                                                           a pink horizon

                                                           comes with the nurse


Vital signs taken and more tests.  I’m given a good breakfast and a bad lunch.


                                                           eating desert first–

                                                           memories of Christmas past

                                                           fill the afternoon


I wait for test results, sharing the holiday silence with my husband. Late in the afternoon, a visit from a doctor.  No conclusive diagnosis he says. Dehydration or a heart valve problem.  He urges follow-up tests in a couple of weeks, to which I agree.  He also urges another night in the hospital, to which I don’t agree. 


                                                          Christmas night

                                                          going home on wet streets

                                                          flickering thoughts 



Presence,  2010

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 last day of autumn
the space between trees
filled with fog


Friday, December 2, 2022


 leaves dropping
leaves blowing
leaves on the ground
what all this amounts to
are bare trees and loneliness

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tanka sequence



my first-born child

sleeps deeply in my arms

his body weightless;

            emptiness I shall have

            when he is grown and leaves


her baby softness

the fragrance of her skin

her downy gold hair

            I flow into her warmth

            and she into me


again, love grows

before she takes her first breath

and opens blue eyes

            her life in my hands

            my life in hers

Sunday, November 13, 2022


                                 GRIMSON FRAGMENTS                                                             

Autumn falls into the river. Ochre and mustard rush past the summer towns bringing early mists and fog, stretching across fields and roads, wrapping all in its path with gifts of silence.

The season brings an early dusk, banishing the languid nights. Trailing winds, hinting of icy storms, chase away picnickers, the brass bands and swimmers at the shore. Bare branches let in the sky and the earth turns brown.

                                                fire in the hearth

                                                I choose a book from the stack

                                                by your empty chair

Drifting Sands 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 bouncing leaves
the wind changes
to a new rhythm

another day
pushing against the wind
autumn leaves
Modern Haiku

Thursday, October 27, 2022


April 17, 1889 - -October 27, 1996


Dad. Always perfectly dressed. Suit, hat, tie. Shoes polished. We are at the town green. He puts a few peanuts on one shoulder, then on the other. He has peanuts in his open hand.

"Stand still," he says. "Wait and they will come."


Sunday church bells 

summoning the faithful 

a flurry of pigeons 


Saturday, October 15, 2022


 woodland phlox
growing in abundance
a new restlessness
100 Gourds

Thursday, October 6, 2022




I am eight years old and in the hospital for a tonsillectomy. Knowing that there is something in my throat which is often making me sick and that once removed I will feel better does not lesson my fears. But, I am a brave little girl. Or pretend to be. I'm not sure, but I don't cry or whimper or protest when the nurse leads me away from my mother.


On a rolling bed, I'm wheeled into a too bright room, all white and shiny, with silvery tables and cabinets. Men and women in masks fuss around me talking, talking. I understand nothing except "Breathe into the cup and count backwards from one hundred. "Ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven… nine…


The room in which I wake is dimly lighted. The girl in the bed next to me is crying; another child across the aisle in calling, "Mama," just the very word I want to say, but can't. I don't feel better as I was told. My throat hurts. I want the pain to go away. I want to go home. I want…I want…    


                           waiting for mama

                           in a hospital gown

                           little girl lost

                           waiting for mama

                           the little girl cries

                           as she wets herself

                           waiting for mama

                           the little girl swallows pain

                           and chocolate ice cream       


Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 the church pews
half in shadow, half in sun 
where do I sit?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022




You expect to find that your childhood home is older.  You also find it smaller.  Duller.  The neighborhood is confined, insulated, a world unto itself.  You wouldn’t fit in even if it were ship-shape and clean of graffiti and rusting cars.  Even if there were neat plantings in front of each house and window boxes with flowers and children playing hop-scotch or roller skating on the sidewalks.  Even if the older folks sat on their front porches on a summer night and gossiped. You know it would not be your home anymore.

                                            the taste of honey


                                            into nothing



Bottle Rockets

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Haiku Sequence

                                                                   A  NEW SEASON


                                                     the empty pool

                                                     rippling in the wind—

                                                     first day of school


                                                     autumn equinox

                                                     playing outside                

                                                     five o’clock shadows


                                                     an armful of fall

                                                     not knowing wildflowers

                                                     from weeds


                                                     forecast for frost

                                                     lugging plants inside

                                                     to babysit


                                                     apple orchard

                                                     the tart-sweet taste

                                                     of memories


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tanka: summer

spinning ceiling fan 
with eyes closed I imagine
ocean breezes
youthful days with sun and surf
and plans beyond tomorrow

Saturday, August 6, 2022


the desert church
within the silence
of adobe walls
prayers for the living
prayers for the dead


Friday, July 29, 2022


 weary of summer
two white lilies
with a different story

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022


freshly mowed lawn
grass and weeds blend
into just green

Failed Haiku

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Haiku: War in the Ukraine

 spring's arrival
a fragrance in the air
of cordite

spring equinox
the half-life
of peace
Frameless Sly

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Tanka Prose



Gardening today and we are up early. Summer annuals, three dozen, (give or take a few. I’ve lost count) await in their small, utilitarian  containers to be transplanted into larger, decorative containers in the patio. It’s quiet here. There is never much road traffic in front, and neighbors are at a distance and rarely heard. On one side are tall privet hedges, on the other, a wide grassy slope, and in the back, a wooded ravine, home to  birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and deer.


The plants are an array of colors:  orange marigolds, pink and white begonias, red geraniums, purple petunias, multi-colored zinnias. We fill the planters with potting soil, add water, work it in.  Choose which plants to go where. Combine different plants in one container or keep them separate? We differ and have a coffee break. As happens every year, there are enough plants and containers to please us both. 


By the time the noon whistle blows we are finished. The flowers are in the planters, tools put away and patio swept, table and chairs and umbrella brought out from the garage . We stand back and admire our own bit of Eden. 



of forever and ever

know not reality

but only youth’s springtime

when love is in bloom

Contemporary Haibun Online


Sunday, June 12, 2022


 briefly visiting
a cardinal comes. . .
nibbles . . .gone
silent is his approach
silent is my pleasure
TSA Anthology

Thursday, June 2, 2022





Spring is gearing up. At the far end of the front yard, where it rises to meet the road, crocus splash yellow, white and purple.  Stems on the lilac bushes are knobby with green tipped leaf buds. Daffodils, some just poking through the soil, some already at their full height with swollen flower buds ready to burst.  Through the open window the breeze is damp, ripe with the fragrance of wet dirt, last year’s leaves and manure from the field around the bend.  There are busy calls from unseen birds and announcing honks from another gaggle of geese.  There is, in this moment, everything that there is.


                                                               coffee brewing

                                                               the anticipation

                                                               before the first sip



Thursday, May 26, 2022

Tanka Sequence

                                                               Terms of Agreement

                                                   a good sleep
                                                   and sunny morning
                                                   a magic potion;
                                                   a day to rectify
                                                   yesterday's mistakes

                                                   living alone now
                                                   the walls whisper his name,
                                                   coaxing his presence
                                                   at a time when we were young
                                                   and life was rich with promise


                                                   fast forward, rewind

                                                   if I could, I’d choose rewind

                                                   and go back

                                                   and do better at doing

                                                   that which is impossible


                                                   it is expected

                                                   this change of homes

                                                   yet put off

                                                   until the push of years

                                                   tells me to move on

                                                   two inches shorter

                                                   than when I was young

                                                   health and strength fading—

                                                   what’s left must be enough

                                                   to see me through these late years

Red Lights

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Haiku sequence

, , ,and the rains came


opening windows

the first rays of sunshine

after a hard rain



splashing down the grassy slope

purple crocus


the blurred shades

of a watercolor garden

rain-streaked window


spring rain

the pond rises

to meet the willows


more rain

April ends

with a new pond

Heritage Hills Newsletter

Saturday, April 16, 2022


sunrise pink
sunset red
in between, blue
this is what I remember
this is what I keep
Red Lights

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Friday, April 1, 2022


What Fits   

In a moment of madness, I buy a puzzle depicting The Great Wave, the woodblock print designed by Hokusai. I clear off the dining room table and begin to sift through the pieces looking for the flat sided edges. More light is needed. I place a floor lamp next to the table.


After several days, with some help from my daughter,  I have the frame completed. The cartouche in upper left corner is next. Slow progress, but progress. Done.  Onto the skiff in the lower right. With help, that is done, almost. 


Then. . .a stall, pause, stoppage, no progress.  White space, blue waves, splashes, curly lines. dots, all the same, same, same, but each different. Different in shape, different in design.  


                                          a jigsaw puzzle

                                          a thousand pieces to join

                                          a lifetime’s work

                                          to find the right connections

                                          and make them fit



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter