Thursday, May 26, 2022

Tanka Sequence

                                                               Terms of Agreement

                                                   a good sleep
                                                   and sunny morning
                                                   a magic potion;
                                                   a day to rectify
                                                   yesterday's mistakes

                                                   living alone now
                                                   the walls whisper his name,
                                                   coaxing his presence
                                                   at a time when we were young
                                                   and life was rich with promise


                                                   fast forward, rewind

                                                   if I could, I’d choose rewind

                                                   and go back

                                                   and do better at doing

                                                   that which is impossible


                                                   it is expected

                                                   this change of homes

                                                   yet put off

                                                   until the push of years

                                                   tells me to move on

                                                   two inches shorter

                                                   than when I was young

                                                   health and strength fading—

                                                   what’s left must be enough

                                                   to see me through these late years

Red Lights


Magyar said...

__Yes, I too am less tall than I was when young, but now, my feet have become considerably "taller". _m

Adelaide said...

shorter and wider
wrinkled and bent
the days of youth
are surely spent

I should throw away my scale and all mirrors

Have a happy Memorial Day


Magyar said...

Please... chk. "Tinywords" of 26May2022.

Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful nostalgia Adelaide. Stay Healthy dear haiku friend


Adelaide said...

Thanks, Doug. i saw it.


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena


Genie aka. Jeanne Nakano said...

Hi Adelaide--nice meeting you yesterday in the breakout chats. I'm the one from Gardena, CA.
what a beautiful tanka sequencei--Terms of Agreement--brings tears to my eyesi--living alone now
the walls whisper his name. That's why I love tanka. my blog/web:
Remember when you come to L.A. look me up.
Genie Nakano

Genie aka. Jeanne Nakano said...

I left a very long comment and don't know what happened. so i rewrite a short version...
loved your terms of agreement--tears to my eyes I'm the one who lives in Gardena-please if you are in L.A. you are welcome. my web: genienakano.xom

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Genie. I enjoyed meeting you and will visit your blog.



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