Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
Bravo AdelaideMuch💛love
Thank you, GillenaAdelaide
stone nose facesinging to this forestwindow eyes__ Adelaide, you've primed this echo; nifty, and Thank you! _m
Thanks Doug. Wings Castle has a web page and a couple of videos if you want to see more. When I lived in Millbrook, it was not a B & B, but there were tours given.Adelaide
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early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter
Bravo Adelaide
Thank you, Gillena
stone nose face
singing to this forest
window eyes
__ Adelaide, you've primed this echo; nifty, and Thank you! _m
Thanks Doug. Wings Castle has a web page and a couple of videos if you want to see more. When I lived in Millbrook, it was not a B & B, but there were tours given.
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