Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
rain-slick road
coming through the fog
shadow mountains
this fogs tidewaves envelope such thoughtbehind the eyes"to find the right connections and make them fit"OOPS! __ Thanks! I've used thoughts and sights from both of your recent posts... as I march in your parade. Nifty!_m
Thanks, Doug. happy to have you in my parade.Adelaide
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early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter
this fogs tide
waves envelope such thought
behind the eyes
"to find the right connections
and make them fit"
__ Thanks! I've used thoughts and sights from both of your recent posts... as I march in your parade. Nifty!_m
Thanks, Doug. happy to have you in my parade.
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