Tuesday, February 8, 2011


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Daily Haiga, winter 2010


Frank... said...

The photo compliments your haiku beautifully, Adelaide...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Frank.


Gillena Cox said...

hot steaming tea; correctly added to this haiga's scenario; much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gillena, for stopping by.


snowbird said...

Hi, Adelaide, I'm so glad I stumbled upon your Web site :-) This photo and poem surely holds the feeling of today's moment for me... the waiting that is winter...the awareness there is more even as our world is white and formless
Thanks, Merrill

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Merrill. I'm so happy you stopped by, and I hope you visit again.


T.Migratorius said...

This is sooo beautiful. A lovely moment. All the best to you Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Thank you for visiting. By the way, what happened to your blog?


snowbird said...

Hi, Adelaide, Things got too hectic here for me to keep the blog...it's a good thing I stopped it when I did because things have gotten even more hectic. Glad to see you posting again. Merrill


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