Monday, June 29, 2020


My deck is my transport. It awaits my boarding, weather permitting. Comfortable seating, in sun or shade, my choice. Snacks or full meals can be provided. Reading material is always provided, as well as pen and paper should I choose to read or write. Should I wish, I may watch the screen before me, the cranberry red Japanese maple trees and dark green, pink flowering bushes behind them, the containers of potted plants with their ochre, white and salmon colored blossoms. This show is accompanied by stereophonic sound. Various bird calls, soughing breezes, rustling leaves, gurgling water from the brook just beyond the trees encircle me, wrapping me in warm, comforting arms, and I am airborne to the destination of my choice.

The blue Aegean and white sands of Naxos, the slopes at Chamonix, a glaring white under the winter sun, the strong odors and raucous calls of vendors in the Grand Suk in Dubai, the plaintive Fado coming from a lone singer in an alley. Visions of memories and new, imaginative ones. I am in control. I am the pilot for this journey.

a summer day
at a yard sale
the years in review

a passing parade
now and then a memory
falls out of step

Heritage Hills Newsletter, July 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020



In spite of the weather forecast we continue as planned. A trek in a nature preserve, outfitted with boots, brimmed hats, slickers, walking sticks. We choose one of several trails.

a misty view
hand in hand we walk
the years 

The birds and insects are silent. Only the squish of our boots and the rain on trees, on the ground, on layers of decaying leaves. The melody changes as the rain subsides and increases.

late night radio
the same love song
with variations

Puddles form in low places and pools collect on large leaves and in a hollowed out tree where woodpeckers have been at work. In some spots, where the growth above us is thick, branches overlap to create a sheltering dry spot. We keep the silence, the mood expressed in our eyes, our smiles, our thoughts.

steady rain
washing away
the day’s debris

 World Haiku Review

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Haiku for Spring

sleepless hours
learning the language of pines
sigh after sigh

perfumed breezes
shaking loose the moisture 
from peonies

outdoor cafe
no extra charge
for cherry blossoms

Modern haiku
Heron's Nest


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter