Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tanka Sequence

Happy Birthday
September 4, 1932—March 31, 2018


my dreamer’s dream
the fluff of fairy tales
and happy endings;
the fresh fragrance of you
like a May morning after rain

all that I feel
a lovely anguish
and a longing
relieved only by your kiss
and your arms encircling me

cheek touching cheek
your hand firm on my back
guides me as we dance;
our hearts falling 
into the same rhythm

Red Lights


Magyar said...

This is your heartful dance,
and as his touch withholds your trance
within that grace of rhythm's prance,
memories sing_ of your romance.

Sandy said...

So lovely. Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

thank you, Doug.
I'm sending you
a cyber hug


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy. He was, and still is, my inspiration.


Bill said...

Very moving, Adelaide.

littlemancat said...

Oh Adelaide, lovely. Tom's birthday was 9-9.
Mary F. Ahearn

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Bill. Much appreciated


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Mary. Have a toast in your Tom's honor on that day.



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...