Wednesday, September 25, 2019


                                                                           Walking the Path  

We walk the path on a breezy autumn day. It is peak season. The sky, an energetic blue, decorated with pillow clouds. Colors vibrant and many:  umber, russet, orange, burgundy, lemon yellow, tawny gold and colors for which I have no name.

                                                                      one step at a time
                                                                      our shadows merge
                                                                      into one

Leaves loosen their hold on trees and zip across the path, some grazing us as with a dry brush. Passing a copse of spruce the wind give voice.

                                                                    see Naples and die
                                                                    the meaning arrives
                                                                    with a rush of sound

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Haiku Sequence

Swan Lake at Pocontico Hills

November shadows
beneath the lake's surface
slow moving bass

a thousand suns
rippling across the lake
into one

leaves settling
on the black water
without a ripple

a misted sun
reflected in the lake
still the cold
Stylus Poetry Journal

Wednesday, September 11, 2019



Often the same dream, unfolding contradictions.  In college, missing classes, wanting a car; out of college, no job, driving to class; graduating, quitting before the last year, late for class; riding the bus, walking fast, reading the want ads; feeling guilty , making plans for tomorrow, giving in to inertia and confusion.

early morning crows
not understanding
their anger or mine

Simply Haiku, Feb. 2009

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tanka Sequence

Happy Birthday
September 4, 1932—March 31, 2018


my dreamer’s dream
the fluff of fairy tales
and happy endings;
the fresh fragrance of you
like a May morning after rain

all that I feel
a lovely anguish
and a longing
relieved only by your kiss
and your arms encircling me

cheek touching cheek
your hand firm on my back
guides me as we dance;
our hearts falling 
into the same rhythm

Red Lights


BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...