Thursday, August 22, 2019


pleasure boats
bob on the outgoing tide
against a wide red sky
the toys we have

in my advanced years
a found peace in simple things
the summer dusk
slips into night with an ease
I long to emulate

Country & Abroad
Modern English Tanka


Magyar said...

__ Advanced years, nature becomes so well felt Adelaide: searching ears; above the sound of that jet; birdsong.

Gillena Cox said...

Ah yes indeed contemplation on our natural surroundings can teach us many lesson for peaceful living

Happy you dropped by my blog Adelaide


Adelaide said...

Thank you Doug. i like your haiku.


Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena. It's been a bit cooler here and more conducive to contemplate natural surroundings.


Sandy said...

Wow, I love this post! You captured what life is supposed to be about.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy. At 83, simple is better and doable, a slow walk, not a jog, with time to see and appreciate.


littlemancat said...

Beautiful, Adelaide. And yes, a deep yearning for that can only be hoped for - a gentle sliding into the night.
Mary F.Ahearn

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Mary for visiting and commenting.



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...