Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
Love the tanka (and I'm not a tanka guy).Had a great time at HNA 2019. HNA 2021 will be in Victoria BC Canada. A long way to go, but if you can make it, make it.
Thanks, Bill for commenting. Adelaide
I love both of these, and feel the same way about wildflowers!
Thanks , Sandy. the photo was taken in an old graveyard left to nature. It was lovely. Had wildflowers spring, summer and fall. Then the town cleaned it up Just bare dirt between the headstones. Now it looks sad, not consoling.Adelaide
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BACK STORY missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes. ...
Love the tanka (and I'm not a tanka guy).
Had a great time at HNA 2019. HNA 2021 will be in Victoria BC Canada. A long way to go, but if you can make it, make it.
Thanks, Bill for commenting.
I love both of these, and feel the same way about wildflowers!
Thanks , Sandy. the photo was taken in an old graveyard left to nature. It was lovely. Had wildflowers spring, summer and fall. Then the town cleaned it up Just bare dirt between the headstones. Now it looks sad, not consoling.
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