Friday, August 30, 2019



A sunny morning in southern Spain.   In summer, there is no other kind of day. Already hot at nine o’clock. Still…a good day for exploring.  With our three young children we leave our hotel, located a short distance from the center of town. Vendors have set up their wares on the sidewalks.

         the sun in my eyes—
         that first squirt of juice
         from an orange

Leaning against a stone wall, a thin woman and two children.  The toddler, hair matted, eyes rheumy, staring at everyone and no one.  The baby, wrapped in a soiled blanket, lying on a straw mat near a box for shade. Garlic for sale, nothing more. 

                                    a burning wind
                                    funnels down an alley—
      grit in my shoes

Presence 2004

Thursday, August 22, 2019


pleasure boats
bob on the outgoing tide
against a wide red sky
the toys we have

in my advanced years
a found peace in simple things
the summer dusk
slips into night with an ease
I long to emulate

Country & Abroad
Modern English Tanka

Tuesday, August 6, 2019



“I want chocolate ice cream,” a child calls out to anyone with hearing distance. “Yes, you may have chocolate,” his mother says in a more modulated tone. She takes his hand firmly, yet gently. They step from the curb, the toddler hopping and skipping. Mom adjusts her pace to his. Once across, they continue their lopsided walk, a babbling child, a smiling mom.

                                                          soft breezes
                                                          cherry blossoms caught
                                                          in a small hand


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Haiku for Summer

Japanese garden
from one path to another
nothing on my mind

afternoon stillness
my neighbor’s chimes
announces a breeze

pressing heat
in late afternoon
the fridge’s hum

Under the Basho
Daily Haiga


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter