Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
drenched in summer, yet not stayed; your tanka is awesomemuch love...
Thank you, Gillena.Adelaide
That is a beautiful and evocative photogone . . .that cloud I wishedyou could see
Thank you, Bill for your comments and your lovely haiku.Adelaide
I grew up with lots of hay bales.This brings back wonderful memories.
Although I've seen the hay bales in the fields, I've yet to see them being formed. I've always driven by too late.Adelaide
Beautiful photo & words, Adelaide...
Thank you, Frank.Adelaide
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early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter
drenched in summer, yet not stayed; your tanka is awesome
much love...
Thank you, Gillena.
That is a beautiful and evocative photo
gone . . .
that cloud I wished
you could see
Thank you, Bill for your comments and your lovely haiku.
I grew up with lots of hay bales.
This brings back wonderful memories.
Although I've seen the hay bales in the fields, I've yet to see them being formed. I've always driven by too late.
Beautiful photo & words, Adelaide...
Thank you, Frank.
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