Friday, August 9, 2013


Haiku Reality, Dec. 2010
Ambrosia, Aug. 2010
Stylus Poetry Journal, Jan. 2009
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Bill said...

Three good ones, each distinctive in tone, and worth blowing up to get a good look at the pictures.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill. I was hoping that readers would enlarge the images. After I had chosen the haiku to post, I realized that I had pictures to go with each one and thought a triptych would work.


Frank... said...

A lovely collage of photos & haiku that work together well, Adelaide...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Frank. I appreciate your comments.


Gillena Cox said...

nice set, luv the alliteration in the middle haiku

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks Gillena. Sometimes I get lucky and achieve an effect without trying.



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