Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tanka sequence

The Planet’s Hourglass   

changes, they say

are for easier lives

and we accept,

we rejoice, we implore

give us more, give it now


we close eyes and ears

ignoring the naysayers

and the unborn

whose cries we still with laughter

and distain 


if we stay on course

there will come a day

that has no light

a rain that has no end

a cold that stops the heart


if there be but one

who has faith and the will

to be a voice of truth,

to act the truth he speaks

he will be heard


if his deeds be large

or if his deeds be small

he will be followed;

hope is in the addition

of even one grain of sand


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Drifting Sands



Magyar said...

Such depth of beauty, Adelaide.

this harmonic breeze
with this whirl of wind-danced sand
as tide's life greces

___ There can such value... in a single grain.


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Doug. I appreciate your comments



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...