Friday, July 26, 2024


Dear Mary,    


Do you like this new stationery? I think it’s cheerful, and we all need cheerful, no matter the news in the papers and on the television.  


bitter cold

pink roses trailing 

the edges of vellum


I do like nice writing paper. I wonder how much of it is sold. So many people send emails or texts, which are all right if you need a quick response. But, then, there’s always the telephone for that. 


supper time—

from an open window

she calls for her son


I’m sitting at my desk, the sun behind me, warming my back as I write. Today, I’m baking bread. Remember how Mom’s bread always got us racing into the kitchen for slices slathered with butter? 


the neighbor’s lilacs 

free for the taking

a wafting fragrance


My African violets have buds on them. I didn’t kill them, after all. Just gave them transplant shock. I don’t know why I take on new responsibilities, but I must keep them alive. Maybe, it’s the need to be needed. 



passes on his stories

to the young ones


I’m thinking ahead to summer. How would you like a visitor for a couple of weeks? We’ll pretend to be newly arrived and visit all the touristy places and then cool off at that secluded beach up the coast. 


the setting sun

below the horizon

the cool splash of waves


I must get on with my day, the usual routine of washing, ironing, dusting, . . .It may just be warming up a bit outside. I hear a small gurgle in the gutters.


spring shopping

to dress up the garden

new seed packets


Much love, as always




 haikukatha July 2024 


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BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...