Tuesday, July 2, 2024





Early dusk in mid-autumn. The air is scented with damp earth and fermenting leaves. I’m on a walk in my neighborhood. As there are no sidewalks, I walk in the road, staying close to the brush, the weeds and dirt and. . . apples. Apples?  I look up. An apple tree. Here. In a suburb of New York City. The ground is covered with them. They are pitted and bruised and have  soft spots, but I gather up as many as my pockets and hands can hold, feeling like I did when as a child I found a penny on the sidewalk.


wind-fall apples

cutting out the bad parts

to make applesauce;

if time spent were money

I couldn’t afford a jar

Contemporary Haibun Online




Magyar said...

within this star's glow
apples richness from our sun
tomorrow's harvest

Another day's light; smiles! _m

Magyar said...

songs of daily breeze
each apple shines in soft wind
the sun's ripened glow


Adelaide said...

Beautiful Doug
Thank you



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...