Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tanka Sequence

Small Town 

walkers and joggers
and Saturday shoppers
the village alive
at the farmers' market
some bargaining, some laughter

from first day to last
Norman Rockwell pictures
of harmony and cheer;
is reality dressed up
to fool others and ourselves?

new shops open
and other shops close
grumblings are heard;
we should do this or that
or do nothing at all

meadows and fields
rolling hills, ponds and lakes
the blessings of nature
ours to enjoy and soften
that which pains

Greensilk Journal


Sandy said...

I love this. Is this your town? You could do publicity for it. My plan for the day. Check out the shops first, then off to the farmers market to get things for a lunch. Finally, I would have a picnic near that pond, after taking some photos.

Gillena Cox said...

Luv the mood of the farmer's market
Happy Sunday Adelaide


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy and Gillena. This is where I lived before I got my condo, Millbrook, NY. The pond in the photo is on private land, but there is a lively park in Millbrook, with a smaller pond. If it weren't so far from my children and more convenient for a lot of things I would have stayed there.


Gillena Cox said...

Lovely scene Adelaide, thanks for sharing


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gilena



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter