Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
Rhythm, indeed! Well done.
Thanks, Bill. Glad you stopped by.Adelaide
We all count our "drops", so well seen as written Adelaide. _mIcicle tears; this count within time's tempo; an earth clock.
Thank you, Doug. The clock is ticking closer to spring. . . Yeah!adelaide
Haha, I just came indoors all excited because I saw robins.
I've noticed that the daffodil spikes are spiking through the dirt. Yeah spring!adelaide
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early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter
Rhythm, indeed! Well done.
Thanks, Bill. Glad you stopped by.
We all count our "drops", so well seen as written Adelaide. _m
Icicle tears; this count within time's tempo; an earth clock.
Thank you, Doug. The clock is ticking closer to spring. . . Yeah!
Haha, I just came indoors all excited because I saw robins.
I've noticed that the daffodil spikes are spiking through the dirt. Yeah spring!
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