a scruffy lawn
jacaranda blossoms
fill the bare spots
heavy rain
collecting cherry blossoms
with each step
Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on cyberwit.com and Amazon
a scruffy lawn
jacaranda blossoms
fill the bare spots
heavy rain
collecting cherry blossoms
with each step
Breaking Away…or Not
I cannot ride a bike. A bad fall as a child pushed my wish to learn off the horizon. Once every decade or so a hazy desire returns, spurred on by family, only to vanish after another fall or near fall. I envision a fractured hip, broken collar bone, concussion, full body cast. Now in my seventh decade spring has again stirred an unnatural wish to defy gravity and climb in the saddle.
But wait… Are those rain clouds moving across the horizon? Storm clouds bringing thunder and lightning?
Ride a bike? No thank you. I’d rather walk.
yellow flowers
drawing me down
for a closer look
BACK STORY missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes. ...