Tuesday, April 13, 2021


                                                 rush hour traffic
                                                 slowing down
                                                 for daffodils

                                     the morning sun
                                                warming my back and spirits
                                                waves from walking friends
                                                at a six-foot distance,
                                                from daffodils up close



Sandy said...

I slow for daffodils, and other flowery displays all the time.
We might get some snow this weekend. I have already seen hummingbirds. The feeder is up, so they can eat when they venture out from under my neighbor's porch.

I am wondering if we will stay six feet apart from now on??

Adelaide said...

My condo prop. here is ablaze with daffodils this year. I think the groundsmen put in more bulbs last fall;. Every twist of road, open space. . .daffys. Maybe management thought we would need more brightness and cheer this spring.

I don't see young people staying 6 ft apart as a life style practice. Maybe older, more vulnerable people will. We don't know how long the vaccine works.


Gillena Cox said...

Ah yes the distancing continues, and its for our own well being. With the daffodils we can approach them and even pick a few

Happy you dropped by my blog Adelaide


Magyar said...

__ There is a street near us where daffodils enhance a stone wall, and parallel to that site such natural spring greening enhanses that vision. Alive!

Nifty, Adelaide! _m

Gillena Cox said...

Hope you had a lovely
International Haiku Poetry day on Saturday


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Doug and Gillena. Have a great Sunday.



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter