Sunday, January 26, 2020

Haiga for Winter

Simply Haiku


Bill said...

waking into
a dream

Beautiful work, Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill. for comment and haiku. Not much dreaming this winer, but there still is feb.


Gillena Cox said...

after Snow white
then comes her sister
Snow Melt

Thanks for dropping by my blog tidst Adelaide


Adelaide said...

Thanks Gilena. Much cold here, but little snow. That may change this weekend.


Sandy said...

beneath the ice
the steady flow of water
to the sea

It sounds crazy, but I felt a touch of spring in the air yesterday when I walked. Today, the temperature 37º, feels like 41º

We are beginning to have ice jams on the rivers coming down out of the mountains. Our first sign of spring?

Adelaide said...

Hi Sandy,

A lovely haiku. Thank you. The snow here is all gone, but I am not holding my breath. Feb and early March can be bad.

I keep trying to post a comment on your bilog but can't.


Sandy said...

I am wondering if you are blocked by Google.

This is what it says, (it won't copy and paste)

if an app or site doesn't meet our security standards, Google might block anyone trying to sign in to your account from it.

Does that mean comment??
There are lots of places that I can't comment, but they are Word Press blogs.

Adelaide said...

On your settings for your blog, under Comments, are your comments embedded or pop-up? For my blog, I have pop-up. Did your settings change?

Sandy said...

It was set on embedded, as it has always been. I changed it to pop up. We will see if that works. Are you still unable to post on the other blog?


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter