Monday, December 30, 2019



But not buried. It will come to life again, resurrected by some young techie who can perform miracles even with his eyes closed. In the meantime I am forced to use pen and paper, to scratch and scribble, to cross out and throw away. I am forced to concentrate. Concentrate  on my thoughts, my vision. Feel the shape of the pen, how it glides across paper, feel the movement of my hand as words leave my mind and are written down. Think of Austin, Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Byron, Shelley…all of those who had only pen and paper and achieved greatness.

winter dawn
the pines whisper words
I cannot hear


Gillena Cox said...

Ah yes the wind can be such a muse. Listen deeply dear friend.
Best Wishes for the coming year


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena. And best wishes to you, too.


Lavana said...

Have a very happy new year, dear Adelaide. May all your dreams come trues!

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Lavana. And a happy new yer to you as well.


Bill said...

Here's wishing you 366 (Leap year!) days of blessings, Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Thanks , Bill. I hadn't realized that this is a leap year. What will I do with that extra day?


Magyar said...

... your request... accomplished. _m

Dejan Pavlinović said...

Would like to use the pen more, but am half digital too :-)Happy New Year dear Adelaide!

Sandy said...

Adelaide, I just heard from Magyar that you couldn't post on my blog. My settings haven't changed, so I can't figure out what the problem is. I will keep looking, as I enjoy your visits. Hope you get this!

Adelaide said...

I can't leave comments on another the Smiling Cricket blog as well and I could a few weeks ago. I may be a Google problem and I've sent queries to the Blogger forum, but have not had a satisfactory answer.

Know that I check your blog every few days and enjoy your poems and photos.


Sandy said...

I added a followers section. Try clicking on that to see if it helps. I'll keep trying to fix the problem.

Adelaide said...

I see that I am a Follower, but it doesn't help. Tried to leave a comment and still can't.

Sandy said...

No, you are not blocked. I didn't know how to do that until I looked a few minutes ago. Whatever went wrong seems to have happened at the beginning of December.


BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...