Sunday, October 27, 2019

Haiku for Autumn

old tree stump
the same woodpecker
whittling it down

tree gazing
the brightest shades of red
on poison ivy

non-stop rain
puddles connected
into a pond

World Haiku Review


Magyar said...

Nifty Adelaide!
__ Too, those Sumac leaves and berries, add such color to all autumn roadside views.

Adelaide said...

Thanks Doug. I just got back from two weeks in LA where it was very hot and dry, 95 degrees. The cool weather and rain is welcome.


Barbara said...

Delighted to see you have published another book, Adelaide. I just ordered my copy from Amazon and look forward to reading it soon. Barbara Kaufmann

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Barbara. for visiting my blog and buying my book. If you are so inclined, I would appreciate a review. I always enjoy your haiku and beautiful haiga.



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...