Thursday, October 10, 2019



Grandpa's grape arbor. A shaded retreat for reading, for playing with my dolls or jacks, for a game of checkers with my sister, for helping Grandma shuck peas or for just sitting and doing nothing. I don't remember thinking anything when sitting under the arbor or lying on the grass watching clouds or bugs. Just doing nothing was the activity. 

                                                                          sitting za-zen
                                                                          the position I take
                                                                          is lying down

Failed Haiku Sept.2019 


Vilhelm man said...

Have A Warm Autumn!

Magyar said...

So well seen, then written by you, Adelaide!
__ Where our "mind" is, is that "forest" of search. I imagine it matters little what position is taken, the "mind" still roams each forest. This instant's senryu, may fit. _m

of all muse-mind steps
in this search for hidden thought
silent forest's walk

Adelaide said...

Ahm yes, Doug. Silence is the key.


Adelaide said...

Than you, GIF. for visiting and commenting.


littlemancat said...

Love this,Adelaide. And it's reminding me of a space I had as a child, an Autumn day, and the first inklings of something beyond - maybe behind - the everyday world. May lead to a haibun soon. Thanks and hope all's well with you.
Mary F.Ahearn

Adelaide said...

Thanks , Mary. Those were the days, unhurried and unworried.


Sandy said...

I am feeling relaxed just reading this. Nice looking grapes!

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Sandy. Photo was taken at a vineyard in Millbrook, NY


Magyar said...

-a year-

__ Your tanka, as seen within Cattails, heartful feeling. _m

Adelaide said...

thank you Doug



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...