Friday, February 8, 2019

Tanka Sequence


alone together
each in a separate room
a desert apart
the dryness moves closer
into thoughts and feelings

mixed intentions
confusion in our thoughts
creates an impasse
a hot meal eaten
 in cold silence

words chosen with care
soft and harmless with no bite
we slip past the pain
the unspoken promise
of a return to normal



JFM said...

How beautiful.
It reminds me of the awkwardness after a "misunderstanding" between my hubby and I.
We want to make things right again but not to accept the blame.
Slow going at first and then forgiving without blame 💮

Adelaide said...

Exactly right, slow going but love prevails. Thanks for visiting.


Magyar said...

Within unspoken morality, silent promises grow fruit.

Adelaide said...

Yes, silent promises must be kept as well as spoken ones.


Warren said...

Terrific, Adelaide - as usual a very fine image and tanka series.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Warren. I appreciate your comments.


BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...