Monday, March 21, 2016


                                               WORK ETHIC

Waking to bird song, rustling trees and blue sky.  Chores await:  make the beds, clean the kitchen, dust the furniture, vacuum the rugs…daily and weekly chores.  My mother’s ethic, to keep a clean house.  Mine, too. And yet ...

                                              tea on the porch
                                              opening the cover
                                              of a new book

Cattails, January 2014


Frank... said...

A lovely haiku, Adelaide. Easter Greetings.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Frank. And, a Happy Easter to you, too. We are having a spell of lovely weather which should hold until tomorrow night. Our Easter finery will stay dry.


Bill said...

As Joan Rivers said, "A month later, you have to do it over again." Happy Easter.

Adelaide said...

The work will always be there tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.


janetld said...

Delightful. I'd like to be there.

Adelaide said...

You are welcome anytime, Janet.

Thanks for visiting.



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