Monday, March 21, 2016


                                               WORK ETHIC

Waking to bird song, rustling trees and blue sky.  Chores await:  make the beds, clean the kitchen, dust the furniture, vacuum the rugs…daily and weekly chores.  My mother’s ethic, to keep a clean house.  Mine, too. And yet ...

                                              tea on the porch
                                              opening the cover
                                              of a new book

Cattails, January 2014

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016



                                               planting fresh pansies
                                               my fingers slide across
                                               the petals
                                                     I feel the velvet softness
                                                    of your touch

Modern English Tanka,
spring 2007

                                                 the day not yet hot
                                                 we spend time talking
                                                 under the trees
                                                         one certainty in our plans
                                                         we follow the same road
Ribbons, "Tanka Cafe"
summer 2006

                                              the damp smell of earth–
                                              promises to be made
                                              and kept
                                                     many seasons still to follow
                                                     this warming spring
Tanka Calendar
Month of May, 2006


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter