Saturday, February 14, 2015

Haiku for Valentine's Day

                                                he brings me flowers
                                                in perfect symmetry
                                                the love we share                                           

                                                bag of shells
                                                the scent of love
                                                still there

                                                gentle is his touch
                                                balancing my desires
                                                with his

Kukai, June 2013
Haigonline, Oct. 2013


Bill said...

Valentine's Day . . .
looking for a new way
to say it

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill, for your linking haiku. Often the old way is the best.


Gillena Cox said...

luv the symmetry of love shared; you are indeed blessed

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena.



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter