Monday, February 9, 2015


Kernels 2013


Barbara said...

Hi Adelaide I love this image and poem! Perfect marriage. With regard to your question about the photo size, I notiice that your blog layout is on the narrow side. If you widen it, your photos would enlarge nicely. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to sign out of my other blog. I hope you recognize me!

janetld said...

That's a good question!

An interesting photo, too, make up of several smaller photos.

Bill said...

To know the present, for that matter. Well done, Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Hi Bill, Janet and Barbara,

Thank you for your comments. As for the present, all I know is that it is cold and there is way too much snow on the ground. And, we are told, more to come this weekend.

Stay warm everybody.


Adelaide said...

Thanks Barbara for your suggestion. I did manage to make the photos larger by clicking on the image and changing the default size.

Frank... said...

Lovely combo of poem and image, Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Frank. Happy you stopped by.



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