Saturday, March 29, 2014


Haigaonline,spring 2013
part of a series, Spring in the Valley


Bill said...

Make room for one more on the path.

Adelaide said...

Hi Bill,

There's lots of room.

I don't remember where this scene was taken, other than that it was someplace in Dutchess County.


janetld said...

I'm curious who the literal "he" is in the tanka.
Very lyrical!
Sounds like I better join the group on the path too....

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Janet.
The "he" is John Denver singing "Country Roads," one of my favorite songs. I thought of that song when I snapped this photo.


Gillena Cox said...

Your inspiration follows through from photo to tanka in a joyful melody

Much love...

Frank... said...

A lovely presentation of words & photo. Nice one, Adelaide...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Frank and Gillena.

So far the weather is still too cold for a walk on that path, except in my memory.



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter