Wednesday, October 30, 2013


                                        A PUMPKIN PATCH

A cold, rainy night. The gardens and meadows of an historic house are covered with carved pumpkins. Each glowing with a flickering candle, each unique, from menacing to beautiful.  Tiffany stained glass, skeletal hands, skulls, faces of the famous, a garden of bugs and birds, boats, animals, the moon, a sea bed of fish, abstract art.
Three thousand pumpkins. The setting up, nightly candle lighting and the cleaning up when the display is over, done by volunteers.

 Nearly as many visitors as pumpkins. Noisy, but orderly. We follow a path snaking through and around the displays, umbrellas up, trying to keep dry and not poke the person in front of us.  My head spins.  Left, right, up to the house top, along a raised bank. A pirate ship, a witch, Frankenstein, Dracula.                 

                                            lightning flashes–
                                                 a shivering rumble
                                                         rolls through the crowd
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Haiku Calendar

The Haiku Desk Top Calendar for 2014 is now available with haiku by Adelaide B. Shaw and graphic images by Sarah Bertochi. To review and purchase go to:

Chapter 2 Graphic Design Studio,
Click on: SHOP, then the image for instructions on ordering.

Friday, October 11, 2013


                                              THE PALACE

Long ago there was a fairy tale palace. Very grand in size.  Everywhere one looked– velvet, gold and bronze.  Mirrored walls, crystal chandeliers and thick carpets.  Stairways wide enough to hold six abreast. Sweeping in a curve, they rose up toward a domed ceiling with a glass skylight.

A princess comes down the stairs.  Regal, beautiful, bedecked in glimmering jewels, wearing her best dress and Sunday shoes. Her subjects bow.

 "Your Royal Highness," they murmur as she passes.

 "Out of my way, peasants," she says, moving past them towards the palace doors.

"Come on, come on," says a page wearing blue pants and a jacket with gold braid. He gruffly hurries the princess outside and ushers in those waiting for the next scheduled movie.

                                                  the walk home–
                                         squinting in the low sunlight
                                                she scuffs her shoes

Presence, winter 2011
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Thursday, October 3, 2013


                                                 autumn damp–
                                                 old leaves composting
                                                 on the back lot

                                                 the cool of evening–
                                                 a hint of spiced apples
                                                 from a house

                                                 piles of dried leavaes
                                                 hardened by last night's frost–
                                                 more crunch in my step
Daily Haiku, 12/08/09
Hokku Web Page, 11/2003
Stylus Poetry Journal, 4/2006

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  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter