Thursday, January 24, 2013


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                                             WINTER DAWN

Neither birds, nor wind, nor humans moving in the smoky grayness.  A duvet of white spread across the landscape.  All shapes softened, angles rounded. Fences and obstacles obliterated opening the way to forever. 

                                             a chugging plow
                                         begins the climb uphill–
                                             feet on the cold floor
Contemporary Haibun Online, April 2012



Gillena Cox said...

like the haiku, point-of-sound-entry

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gillena. We haven't had very much snow as of yet, but lots of cold, cold winds and temps at night down to zero.


Warren said...

A gorgeous winter commentary - Adelaide, you are a master with the words and moods. I always enjoy the feelings you convey - thanks for the read.


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Warren, for your generous comments.


Frank... said...

As Warren said, 'A gorgeous winter commentary',Adelaide. Stay warm...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Frank.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha