Saturday, December 22, 2012


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                       PARIS CAFE IN DECEMBER

                       intermittent rain–
                       coffee and tobacco smoke
                       from an open door

                       a wailing siren –
                       beyond the streaked glass
                       no promises

                        damp wool and steam–
                        the holiday restored
                        with a brandy

Modern Haiku, spring 2005


janetld said...

Striking haiku sequence, and I do like how it ends. ;)

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Janet. For some unknown reason, your 2nd comment did not appear.


Frank... said...

I too think it's a striking sequence. Adelaide. Did you paint the picture? He looks very friendly...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Frank. The picture is of the Christmas angel on our tree. I did not paint it: it is a digitally modified photograph. The angel was handmade of burlap and cardboard. After 40 years she is beginning to look a bit bedragled, so I spruced her up a bit in the photo.


Bill said...

Blessings, Adelaide. Your angel doesn't look a day over 39.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill. Blessings to you, too, and your family.



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