Thursday, November 22, 2012


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Frank... said...

Wow! what a great shot, Adelaide. I've taken quite a few photos of the grey squirrel over the years. They are such quick little creatures and it’s quite difficult to get a good shot. You need to engage them with food; it seems to stop them in their tracks. Poem compliments the photo very well...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Frank. I wanted to get the rascal coming out of the pumpkin, but wasn't quick enough.
They love my pumpkins. Every year they get a feast.


Warren said...

Love this, Adelaide!

I'm doing okay - just still strugglign with BP meds which seem to rob me of creativity - I'm just about to drop all of them!

Thanks - Warren

Adelaide said...

Thanks for your visit, Warren. I hope you get back your muse.

with best wishes,

Gillena Cox said...

Whooa!! great photo

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gillena. This squirrel was so neat, eating such a perfect circle. My pumpkin this year was attacked on all sides.


maggie said...

love this pairing of image and haiku, Adelaide.

Happy holidays, Margaret

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Margaret. The squirrels had a feast.



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