Sunday, January 29, 2012


                                abandoned house
                                stirring up dusty memories
                                a whistling wind

                                Shiki Kukai Free Format Haiku
                                                   January 2012
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Saturday, January 21, 2012



                                  MANHATTAN AFTERNOON

                                        a homeless man
                                        plowing through the crowd
                                        his life in a cart

                                        six dogs on a walk
                                        a triple round of barking
                                        at a single leaf
                                        on Fifth Avenue
                                        the skinny is tweed

                                        upper East side
                                        a doorman and pigeons
                                        come with the rent

                                        ticket machine
                                        choking on coins
                                        spits nothing back

                                                                Edna, November 2011
                                                                photo:  Joseph F. Shaw
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Saturday, January 14, 2012



The house in darkness. I watch thick flakes, descending slowly.  They seem suspended as if in a viscous liquid.  Bushes assume a rounded shape; fences appear to sink into the ground.  A deep quiet, without and within.  Even the mechanical voices of  the appliances subdued and still.  I stand transfixed.

                                          falling snow—
                                          between dusk and darkness
                                          there is no time

Contemporary Haibun
Print Journal April 2005
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Sunday, January 8, 2012



                                   Haiku for Winter

                                   mid-winter cold-
                                   a lemon Popsicle
                                   in the freezer

                                   a car door-
                                   loose windows rattling
                                   in the cold wind

                                   sleety rain
                                   the cafe window
                                   steamed with laughter

Riverbed Haiku, autumn 2008
Simply Haiku, winter 2011
3 Lights Gallery, winter 2010
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Sunday, January 1, 2012


New Year's ritual-
resolutions written down
in a neat hand;
so much easier to read
and break

Modern English Tanka, October 2008


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter