Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hurricane Irene
in the semi-darkness
a cold breakfast

heavy time
slowly ticking the minutes
Hurricane Irene

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Sunday, August 21, 2011


                                 found in a trashpile
                                 a teapot with a crack
                                 making it useless
                                 but for the curve of its handle
                                 and the tilt of its spout
Stylus Poetry Journal
August 2005

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Sunday, August 14, 2011


                                heat wave-
                                the unwashed smell
                                of city sidewalks;
                                under a shaded flower stall
                                the coolness of country fields

Moonset, October 2008

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer haiku

                                          a dry white wine-
                                         summer breezes in
                                        through an open door

                                            nothing to do...
                                           we sit and listen
                                         to the pulsing heat

                                           summer shower...
                                   the sour smell of marigolds
                                           along the path

Wisteria, October 2007
Haiku Harvest, spring/summer 2006
Heron's Nest, July 2002
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  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter