Sunday, June 9, 2024


Concierto de Ajuanuaz   

an ekphrastic haibun  


A boy begins to lose his sight at three years of age, eventually becoming totally blind.  He studies musical braille, learns the piano, the violin, the guitar.  He composes for each, becomes known and helps to elevate the guitar to an essential orchestral instrument. 


perfumed paseos

sweeping crescendos

from his guitar


trickling fountains

a cool spray to taste

what cannot be seen


the Garden Aranjuaz

rising melodies

in the fragrances


Juaquin Rodrigo 

Born:  November 22, Sagunto, Valencia, Spain

Died:  July 6, 1999, Madrid, Spain




Magyar said...

__Just my generated thought. _m

of such eyes darkness
seen thoughts within every mind
paths in each day's chart

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Doug. Rodrigo's concerto sends me soaring into a peaceful plane free of anything negative, if only for 10 minutes.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha