Announcement: My new book, ANCIENT HISTORY, haibun and tanka prose , is available on and Amazon
a rose blossomedtells the beautiful storyof young lovethe admiration ofone to the othermuch💚love
Thank you Gillena for the lovely tankaAdelaide
__ Dear Adelaide, I thank you for your thought of Natures seeding, in below's echo. _mSeason's flower coresfloat away on springs riversnatures investment
Thank you, Doug. I sometimes see flowers in the strangest places. Nature has a way of providing the beauty.Adelaide
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early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter
a rose blossomed
tells the beautiful story
of young love
the admiration of
one to the other
Thank you Gillena for the lovely tanka
__ Dear Adelaide, I thank you for your thought of Natures seeding, in below's echo. _m
Season's flower cores
float away on springs rivers
natures investment
Thank you, Doug. I sometimes see flowers in the strangest places. Nature has a way of providing the beauty.
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