Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Black and White Haiga


Sandy said...

Haha, We had the same kind of week! What we need is to see a robin hopping around the yard. They usually get here before the snow is gone, and make the best of the circumstances.I realized yesterday that we are usually seeing them by now.

I did see our grumpy mockingbird at the mailbox yesterday. And, bluebirds at the neighbors feeder.

Two days are supposed to be 51º next week! Maybe this weekend will be our last cold spell.

Adelaide said...

Yes, warmer next week. Hope to be able to sit outside at my favorite cafe for a coffee.Got my 2nd vaccine yesterday. Only reaction was feeling cold for a couple of hours about 4 hours after the shot. Wrapped myself in my robe and blankets.

stay well


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