Sunday, March 28, 2021



koto music

to relax, ease my spirit

to give me wings

homing me to a place

of tranquil memories


My date promises a special dinner, an adventure in eating.  He heads west towards Hollywood, towards the Sunset strip. I think Musso and Frank’s Grill, Chasen’s, Scandia. He is mum.  


He turns right and winds his way up, ending at a rough parking lot below a large, one-storied wooden structure in the style of a Japanese house with low hanging eaves. The grounds are overgrown and appear to have been neglected for years. My date tells me this once was a hotel with bungalows hidden in the shrubbery and trees, a trysting place for those seeking anonymity. 


We walk up a gravel path after examining the alternative, a rickety wooden staircase. At the top, we cross a moon bridge over a koi pond which extends under the building into an inner courtyard and are met by a woman wearing a deep blue kimono splashed with cherry blossoms and white cranes. She asks if we want “inside dining in Japanese manner with view of koi pond or outside in Western manner with view of city.” Only then do I notice what’s behind me.


purple and gold sky

marking the onset

of a twinkling dusk

as the city prepares

for darkness


My date has reserved seating inside, and we are led along a wooden veranda, passing rooms, some open, some closed with a heavy paper screen, to our private room. Our hostess slides the screen open. 


“Please to remove shoes,” she says. We do as she does and enter an exquisitely, flawless, sparsely decorated room with a low table in the center, square pillows for sitting, tatami mats on the floor, and a slightly raised alcove against the far wall with a blue and white vase holding a single bird of paradise. To the right of the alcove is another sliding screen from which our servers enter and exit. They come bearing hot cloths for cleansing our hands, cups, bowls, chop sticks, and a hibachi. While our chef prepares the meal, we sip hot sake and listen to the strings of a koto that someone is playing by the koi pond. My eyes flit from watching the chef to my date. 


how does love begin?

a word, a look given

a meal shared?

the way to a heart

has many paths

Adelaide Literary Magazine 

 Sept. 2020

Sunday, March 21, 2021



the morning sun
warming my back and spirits
waves from walking friends
at a six-foot distance,
from daffodils, up close

Friday, March 12, 2021


                                                the slow slide
                                                of water on a leaf—
                                                the blink of an eye



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter