Sunday, March 31, 2019


In Memory of Joseph
09/04/1932 to 03/31/2018

a fork in the road
how often we hear that phrase
yet, in my life
there was a single path
traveled for years with you

Modern English Tanka


Magyar said...

__ For Joe, our memorial honors from from K and I, and our wishes to you Adelaide. _m

Adelaide said...

Thank you,Magyar. I appreciate your kind thoughts. I spent the day with family which helped a lot, as do good wishes from friends.


Magyar said...

You may wish to visit >Tinywords<

Adelaide said...

Yes, I saw it. Thanks.


Gillena Cox said...

How very precious, how very sweet. And may God's perpetual light shine on him.
Thanks for sharing this memorial with us Adelaide.
much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you for your thoughts, Gillena.


Sandy said...

The best to you, Adelaide, as you travel a new path.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy. I’m doing well, new place, new. friends, new activities.



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...