Sunday, March 31, 2019


In Memory of Joseph
09/04/1932 to 03/31/2018

a fork in the road
how often we hear that phrase
yet, in my life
there was a single path
traveled for years with you

Modern English Tanka

Monday, March 25, 2019

Spring Haiku

jacaranda dusk
a haze of petals
falling with the light

mountain stream
gurgling over rocks . . .
my feet are numb

Haiku Highlights

Saturday, March 2, 2019




Hand woven rugs at a craft fair.  The weaver, a Navajo woman.  Her dark skin, barely wrinkled, yet she doesn’t appear too young.  Something about the way she moves, the steady calmness that comes with age and experience.  Her long black hair done in a braid down her back, like a thick rope, reaching below her waist.  With slender hands she weaves skeins of wool into motifs imagined and actual, garnered from ancestral traditions and folk lore.

a saguaro shadow– 

sunset colors stretch
across  desert sands

Contemporary Haibun Online


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter