Sunday, December 16, 2018



Coffee in the café, her daily routine.  Many of the same faces.  Busy people.  Lonely people.  Happy. Sad.  She was one of many.  Who cared?  Did she?  Not enough.  Would she die like this, uncaring and uncared for?

                                                        full winter moon
                                                        in the wind
                                                       shadows touch

Contemporary Haibun On-line Sept 2010


Magyar said...

__ In these cold moon shadows, I sense-see these shadowed tree limbs jousting; in rhyme with reality. _m

Sandy said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! There, that covers everything.

No, life will go on, but on a different path that probably will surprise you.
The very best to you this holiday season.

Adelaide said...

Thank you Magyar and Sandy. I shall be with my children and grandchildren for the holidays, and on Dec 29 I move to my new place which is closer to family. Lots of changes, and I am looking ahead.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.


Gillena Cox said...

The loneliness resonates in those shadows. Nice haibun Adelaide. Merry Christmas

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

You are invited to 12 Days of Christmas at Lunch Break, Season 11

much love...

Adelaide said...

thanks, Gillena.


Magyar said...

__ Such grand, appreciated and timely echo, your most recent comment at my blog; lovit!

Adelaide said...

you are most welcome.


Gillena Cox said...

Happy New Year dear Adelaide

much love...

JFM said...

Very beautiful and touching.
I can feel the touch of loneliness~

Happy New Year 💮

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Jan. I think this year is going to be better in my new home and with new friends.
I appreciate all your wishes.


haiku-shelf (Angelika Wienert) said...

The word touch at the end is so important.

Adelaide said...

Thank you for visiting and for your comment.



  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter