Saturday, September 27, 2014


                                                       AUTUMN CARNIVAL
A  chill in the air, a slowing down, the gradual browning of the earth, but first, there is a party, a celebration, a carnival, complete with red and orange lights, ochre and gold, glowing in sunshine and shimmering even through fog and mist, and, like a carnival, the spectacle is too soon over, the performers have packed up and gone, leaving behind only their skeletal remains and memories.
fermenting leaves–
from sweaters on the line
a scent of camphor
  Haibun Today, December 2009

Friday, September 19, 2014


Haigaonline, spring 2014
part of a featured series,
Fantasy Garden

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


                                                  scurrying leaves–
                                                  we delay our farewell
                                                  five more minutes
                                                  pushing aside thoughts
                                                  of no returns

                                                 the young man speaks
                                                 of tests and radiation;
                                                 unashamed I listen
                                                 and pray that life goes beyond
                                                 these early days of autumn

Gean, 6/2009
Magnapoets Autumn/Winter Anthology, 2009


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter