Saturday, November 16, 2013



 Once it was a shade tree, pale green in the spring with the sun slipping through.  Darker green in the summer, a canopy providing a respite from the heat of the sun.  In the autumn, a burst of gold, glowing even in rain and fog.  In winter, a sculpture of shapes reaching for the sky and moving shadows on the snow.  Now, just a dead maple tree, wrapped with red poison ivy vines for a final display.
                                               the sun
                                               just over the horizon
                                               tree cutters at work
Contemporary Haibun print journal spring 2004

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Anonymous said...

Your words are like a bow to honor this tree!

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Wabi Sabi. Glad you stopped by.


Gillena Cox said...

luv the way the haibun text wraps nto your haiku fragment, a breath then the chopping starts; jut great!

much love.rvesnst 80..

janetld said...

What a surprise at the end. Enjoyed this tribute - and I can relate.

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Janet for your visit and your comments.


Lorna Cahall said...

Hi Adelaide,
Our work group, One Breath Poets, has used one of your haibun as an exercise. It was in, beginning :"It will come to life again, resurrected by some young techie..."etc. We covered up your haiku that followed and each member of the group worked on their own haiku to link to it. (Great fun, but no commercial use what-so-ever.)With your permission, I would like to post the whole exercise on our Facebook page (including your wonderful haiku. Please let me know if that is alright with you. Thanks


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter