Saturday, April 27, 2013


                                    sky and pond
                                 newly green willows
                                     nearly touch

Daily Haiku, 6/2011
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Sunday, April 7, 2013


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                                        from somewhere
                                            pear blossoms

                                       a curve in the road
                                        looking for lilacs
                                             in the wind
                                         the rain over
                                     even with eyes shut
                                        I know it's spring

Haiku Harvest, May 2003                                      
Modern Haiku, 1974
World Haiku Club Review, summer 2005

Monday, April 1, 2013


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                                                FIRST FLOWERS

Cold April wind.  A slow start to spring.  On again, off again warmth. 
I check the plants put in last fall.  Counting buds, looking for green shoots,  for dead stems.  My children never so scrutinized and watched.

                                           the first flowers
                                           in the garden–

Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose, June 2009


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter