Friday, August 24, 2012


                                            THOUGHTS ON A HOT NIGHT

Old apprehensions and worries return in dreams.  Final exams, new job, no job.  Misunderstandings, disappointments, changes, both planned and unexpected.  The present and the past skewed and twisted, a tangle of truth and nightmare, a canvas of smeared colors.

Upon awakening, elusive remnants remain.  A piece here… there.  Sometimes pleasant, sometimes unsettling.

                                             full summer moon–
                                             an owl asks “Who?”
                                             I ask ,”Why?”
 Gean, spring 2011

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Frank... said...

Something we can all indentify with. A well written piece, Adelaide with a humorous haiku that integrates in well with the prose...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Frank.


Bill said...

Sometimes I'm back in the army. Or I'm standing before a class, realizing I'm completely unprepared. Besides, I'm naked.

Adelaide said...

It seems that our fears, known and unknown, real and imagined, appear in dreams.

Thanks for visiting.



Odysse y            An elusive floating.  I reach out and clasp sunbeams. I move forward,  searching for I know not what, yet, understanding...