Thursday, July 8, 2010


At the local Starbucks we meet. The same customers, not every visit, but often. A smile, a wave. “Hello. Hot enough for you? Cold enough?” Small chit-chat. “Live nearby? Have a nice holiday? See you next time.” Ed, Susan, Jim. First names only. Neither friends nor acquaintances, even. Yet…a contact, a welcome, a recognition, a belonging.

unknown wildflowers
into a bouquet

Contemporary Haibun On-line, July 2010


Warren said...

Wonderful haibun, Adelaide - I love your parallelism, vague acquaintances and the wildflowers - terrific!


Adelaide said...

Thanks, Warren. With this heat we've been having we've been hiding out there every afternoon. It's a lot cooler than our house.


Frank... said...

A evocotive haibun Adelaide. Thanks for visiting my blog and comments...

Gillena Cox said...

exquisite; a really masterful haibun

have a nice weekend

much love

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Frank. Nice to see your blog up and running again, Frank.


Anna Patricia said...

Adelaide, this is very beautiful. I also love your name :)

<3 Pat

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Anna Paatricia.


Lorena said...

lovely essence of the everyday, beautifully done

Adelaide said...

Thank you Lorena. Glad you stopped by.



BACK STORY        missing you I warm the bed with a hot brick              There is a memorial service and I receive your ashes.            ...