Monday, November 16, 2009

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Warren said...

This is a gorgeous haiga, Adelaide, and a gorgeous blog as well. You're abounding with talent, m' dear - so nice to read and dip into that talent.


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Warren. I'm never quite sure what I'm doing with haiga. I know I can write haiku, and I think I have a good eye for what would make a good photo, but what I lack is the technical expertise to put them together. I'd like to submit to haiga journals on-line, but I don't understand the ppi and pixels. What shows up on Picassa, the photo imaging program I'm using, doesn't match up with the requirements of these on-line journals. Picassa, I'm told, will size the images for e-mail when using its e-mail. I guess I'll have to just take a chance and submit and hope that the haiga are tranmitted correctly. You create wonderful haiga, any suggestions?


Kristin Riggs said...

Very nice, Adelaide! I think your words and the photo go perfectly hand-in-hand. By the way, your haibun on Simply Haiku this season is fantastic!!!

Bill said...

Great photo and provocative ku.

Adelaide said...

Thank you Bill and Kristin. I actually like late autumn, even with its somber moods and images.

Thank you, Kristin, for your comment about my haibun.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.


Adelaide said...

Thank you Bill and Kristi. I actually like November with its somber views.

And thank you Kristin for your comment about the haibun.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Devika Jyothi said...

A poignant, sombre that, Adelaide...November is my favourite month too :)



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