Wednesday, October 21, 2009


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T.Migratorius said...

I really do like this one...
each of your haiku is very good at getting us to see things in a new light.

Adelaide said...

Thank you. I'm new to haiga and find it fun and challanging.


Bill said...

This provokes reflection. Love the photo.

Emma Dalloway said...

oh haiga is such fun, isnt it?

theres a delightful feel to your work, and as Bill says, this one certainly invites reflection...

must have been a grand old tree in her day

Adelaide said...

Yes, the tree must have been grand.
Thank you for stopping and visiting.


Kristin Riggs said...

Amazing photo and perfect words...what else can I say? :)

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Kristin. I appreciate your stopping by.


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